

You open your eyes and look around. The whiteness of the ceiling, walls, floor and sheets hurt you, and you close them tight for a few moments before you try again. Your mind only now registers the beeping coming from beside you, and that coupled with an IV stand beside the bed makes it pretty obvious where you are. Did I OD? you think, already knowing the answer. You know you should have abandoned those pills a long time ago, you didn't even know why you were taking them anymore. But you just couldn't seem to stop. It's like they were designed to addict. 'It's like'? They were obviously designed with that purpose. And you're a little puppet who was designed to get addicted to everything that crossed your path. Ever since you were a kid, and wouldn't lay off the sugar. And your Atari, which you would play from the moment you got home from school until it was time for bed again. Your parents saw no problem in this, the TV raised you for them, so they
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